- The Presidency of Richard Nixon
- Antiwarriors: The Vietnam War and the Battle for America's Hearts and Minds (Vietnam, America in the War Years, V. 1)
- Give Peace a Chance: Exploring the Vietnam Antiwar Movement : Essays from the Charles Debenedetti Memorial Conference (Syracuse Studies on Peace and Conflict Resolution)
- Democracy and Diplomacy: The Impact of Domestic Politics in U.S. Foreign Policy, 1789-1994 (The American Moment)
- Covering Dissent: The Media and the Anti-Vietnam War Movement (Perspectives on the Sixties)
- Alexander K. McClure
- Francis A. Lord
- Robert G. Stephens
- Andrew Uffindell
- William Dwyer
- James Edward Kelly
- Rick Schaeffer
- William Watson
- Joseph R. Ornig
- Joseph L. Harsh
- J. Frank Broyles
- Charles G. Nauert
- David T. Hedrick
- Amir Taheri
- Ralph Gary
- Proctor Patterson Jones
- Garnet Wolseley
- Aaron Sheehan-Dean
- G. Govan
- Alban B. Butler