- Crefydd gymdeithasol wedi ei darlunio mewn hanes o sefydliad cyntaf Crist'nogaeth, yn Ninas Caerludd (sef Llundain,) mewn amryw ymddiddanion. A ... Morris, gan B. Evans.
- The tribes of the Lord appearing before him: or, families in publick worship. A sermon preach'd at the opening of the new meeting-house, at Rowel, ... considerably enlarg'd. By Matthias Maurice.
- Faith encouraged, in a plain, consistent, scriptural exposition of Heb. VI.4,5,6. Heb.X.26. I John V. 16. ... To which some meditations are added, ... By Matthias Maurice.
- Plunging into water, no scriptural mode of baptizing: or, Mr. Gill fairly answered, and baptizing with water defended. By Matthias Maurice. Together with Dr. Owen's arguments for infant-baptism.
- Monuments of mercy: some of the distinguishing favours of Christ to his Congregational Church at Rowel, as handed down in the ministry of Mr. John Beverly, and Mr. Thomas Browning