Galactic Shamanism: the Star-Stone Ones
Messages from the Silence: an invitation to the wedding...
The Monitor and Laughter of the Gods: Saraswati Comes Swingin' Her Hips
The Holy Sight
$18.69 - $20.00
Primordial Return: Star-Stone Essence
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The Animating Presence: ...the One...everywhere present...
$7.89 - $15.59
Galactic shamanism: The star-stone ones
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The Holy Sight: An Invitation To Holy Relationships . . . With Everyone And Everything . . .
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The Sacred Two: The She and He of Creation...
Art As Consciousness: The Call of the Invisible One
The Oracle and the Dreamer: parables for an eternal culture
The Star-Stone Ones: a journey from the stars unto the stones
Life As Living Ceremony: An Essence Sculpture Art Book
Nectar of Woman: Woman of the Circle...come...