Club Manitou, 2nd Edition: How to Plan, Build, and Operate a Gangster Speakeasy
Purple Gang in the North: How Club Manitou was Planned, Built, Operated, and Transmogrified
Into the Olympics: 4 Epic Hikes through the Rain Forests to the Glaciers
Darkest Winter III: Journal of a Pandemic
2: Journal of Two Aprils: Prelude to Ron's Hollow during the Pandemic of 2020-21
Darkest Winter: Journal of a Pandemic (full color)
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Pandemic 2020-21: Darkest Winter Journals I - IV
It is what it is: Ineptitude and consequence
Darkest Winter: References and Sources
Ron's Hollow: Operating Manual for the Wet Woods
Salmon, Ghosts, and Bugs: Suffering in the Wet Woods
Olympics via the Pacific: Four Epic Hikes through the Wet Woods to the Glaciers
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Darkest Winter
Club Ponytail: How to set up a Motown Laboratory in Harbor Springs
Ron's Hollow: Operating Manual for the Wet Woods
Perfecting Prompts for GPT: 14 steps for harnessing the power of questions
GPT-4 Complete: A comprehensive technical guide to the new OpenAI model
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Darkest Winter: Journal of a Pandemic I-V
Darkest Winter: Journal of a Pandemic, Volume 2
Darkest Winter IV: Endgame