Patologias Respiratorias (Spanish Edition)
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Patologie Respiratorie (Italian Edition)
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Respiratory Pathologies
Atemwegspathologien (German Edition)
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Pathologies Respiratoires (French Edition)
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Patologias Respiratórias (Portuguese Edition)
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Valoración en Fisioterapia (Spanish Edition)
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Avaliação fisioterapêutica (Portuguese Edition)
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Valutazione fisioterapica (Italian Edition)
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Physical Therapy Assessment
Principios básicos del fisioterapeuta en la punción seca (Spanish Edition)
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Fisioterapia para localización y dolor referido de los puntos gatillo (Spanish Edition)
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Physiotherapeutische Beurteilung (German Edition)
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Manejo del dolor en fisioterapia mediante punción seca (Spanish Edition)
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Tratamiento fisioterapéutico mediante punción seca (Spanish Edition)
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Traitement physiothérapeutique par aiguilles sèches (French Edition)
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Physiotherapeutic treatment by dry needling
Tratamento fisioterapêutico por agulhamento seco (Portuguese Edition)
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Physiotherapeutische Behandlung mit Dry Needling (German Edition)
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Trattamento fisioterapico con dry needling (Italian Edition)
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Gestione del dolore in fisioterapia con il dry needling (Italian Edition)
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Pain management in physiotherapy using dry needling
Gestion de la douleur en physiothérapie à l'aide d'aiguilles sèches (French Edition)
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Schmerzbehandlung in der Physiotherapie mit Dry Needling (German Edition)
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Tratamento da dor em fisioterapia com agulhamento seco (Portuguese Edition)
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Evaluación y diagnóstico de puntos gatillo en fisioterapia (Spanish Edition)
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Valutazione e diagnosi dei trigger point in fisioterapia (Italian Edition)
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Bewertung und Diagnose von Triggerpunkten in der Physiotherapie (German Edition)
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Évaluation et diagnostic des zones gâchettes en physiothérapie (French Edition)
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Avaliação e diagnóstico dos pontos de gatilho em fisioterapia (Portuguese Edition)
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