- A Practical Introduction to Literary Theory and Criticism
- Encyclopedia of Comic Books and Graphic Novels
- Star Trek: A Cultural History
- Drawn to Television: Prime-Time Animation from The Flintstones to Family Guy (The Praeger Television Collection)
- Alternate Americas: Science Fiction Film and American Culture
- Steve Stockman
- Roland N. Stromberg
- William G. Naphy
- Nicholas Rogers
- Christian Scharen
- N.E.H. Hull
- James L. Harner
- Parnell Donahue
- Jane B. Sellers
- Boris Wiseman
- Simone Payment
- Linda J. Ivanits
- Zwomunondita Kurewa
- Andrei Turkov
- Marcia McClintock Folsom
- Mikhail Chekhov
- Jack Pulaski
- David Lan
- Pamela Reynolds
- Helen Capellaro