The Spirit of Place: A Workbook for Sacred Alignment
$5.99 - $16.60
Medicine Grove: A Shamanic Herbal
Walking the Maze: The Enduring Presence of Celtic Spirit
Circular Time: Visiting Scotland's Stone Circles and Cairns
$18.99 - $19.95
Compass of the Heart: Embodying Medicine Wheel Teachings
$7.19 - $8.49
Eating Diamonds
Out of Stock
Coyote's Council Fire : Contemporary Shamans on Race, Gender and Community
The Selkie's Lineage
Debatable Lands
Aware Practice: Meditation, Perception, Trance, and Lucid Dreaming
$13.00 - $14.74
Learning Curve: Life Notes and True Tales
The Stringless Harp
The Dogs at RockCut Road and Other Poems of Place
Cu Chulainn
No Practice
Standing in Place
Diary of Stones & Feathers
Trouble on Her Account
The Sweetgrass Tattoo
Heart of the Mountain
Diary of Fire & Ice
The Magician and the Shaman
Coyote at Stonehenge