Autobiography and Selected Letters, Volume I: Autobiography. Letters 1-50 (Loeb Classical Library No. 478)
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Libanius's Progymnasmata: Model Exercises in Greek Prose Composition and Rhetoric
Selected Orations, Volume I: Julianic Orations (Loeb Classical Library No. 451)
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Selected Orations, Volume II: Orations 2, 19-23, 30, 33, 45, 47-50 (Loeb Classical Library No. 452)
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Selected Letters of Libanius: From the Age of Constantius and Julian
$47.29 - $60.34
Libanii Sophistae Orationes XVII (1754)
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Between City and School: Selected Orations of Libanius
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Libanii Sophistae Orationes Et Declamationes V1 (1791)
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Libanii Sophistae, Sev Oratoris Antiocheni, Orationes Quatuor, Constitutionum (1631)
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Antioch as a Centre of Hellenic Culture, as Observed by Libanius (Liverpool University Press - Translated Texts for Historians)
Autobiography and Selected Letters, Volume II: Letters 51-193
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Several Orations Of Demosthenes: Exciting The Athenians To Oppose The Exorbitant Power Of Philip King Of Macedon
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Fur Religionsfreiheit, Recht Und Toleranz: Libanios' Rede Fur Den Erhalt Der Heidnischen Tempel
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Selected Orations (Loeb Classical Library)
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Imaginary Speeches: A Selection of Decla
Select Works of the Emperor Julian: And Some Pieces of the Sophist Libanius, Volume 2
$38.95 - $39.22
The works of the Emperor Julian, and some pieces of the sophist Libanus, translated from the Greek Volume 1
Libanios, Discours: Tome I: Discours I: Autobiographie
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Libanios, Discours: Tome II: Discours II-X
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