A Commentary on Kant's Critique of Practical Reason (Phoenix Books)
Six Secular Philosophers (Key Texts)
Early German Philosophy: Kant and His Redecessors
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Philosophic Inquiry: Introduction to Philosophy
The Actor and the Spectator: Foundations of the Theory of Human Action (Key Texts)
$9.99 - $38.19
Kant Studies Today
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Selected Essays on Kant by Lewis White Beck (North American Kant Society Studies in Philosophy)
Early Articles, Reviews And Short Works
Residential Code of New York State
Philosophic Inquiry : An Introduction to Philosophy
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Latin Writings, Translations, Commentaries & Notes
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Essays on Kant and Hume
Philosophic Inquiry
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Studies in the Philosophy of Kant (Essay and Monograph Series of the Liberal Arts Press)
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A commentary on Kant's Critique of practical reason
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