Eigenschaften der gesprochenen Sprache Deutsch und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Untersuchungen zur Grammatik der gesprochenen Sprache Deutsch
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Multispectral Biometrics: Systems and Applications
Advanced Biometrics
The Critical Ignition in Spontaneous Combustion
Ultra-Broadly Tunable Light Sources Based on the Nonlinear Effects in Photonic Crystal Fibers
Viral-Immune Interaction in HIV Infection
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Electromagnetic Linear Machines with Dual Halbach Array: Design and Analysis
Electronic Nose: Algorithmic Challenges
Advanced Materials for Sodium Ion Storage
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Communication of Smart Media
Transportation Project and Program Development
$99.95 - $220.00
Cloud Data Center Network Architectures and Technologies
$65.42 - $150.00
Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks Protocol Design: Energy-Efficient And Traffic-Aware Detour Tree for Geographic Routing
Subpixel Mapping for Remote Sensing Images
$61.99 - $162.57
Metamaterial Design and Additive Manufacturing
Sustainable Lifestyles After Covid-19
An improvement on maximum residual energy routing of sensor networks
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Sea-Level Secrets: Insights and Innovations From Coastal Science
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Water Lords: Beijing's Drinking Water and Its Carriers, 1644-1937 (China Studies)
Advanced Technologies for Physical Properties Measurement of Food and Its Processing