Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth A Young-Earth Creationist Research Initiative
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Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth: Creationist Research
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Climates before and after the Genesis flood: Numerical models and their implications
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Doc's Tribe: Get Your Kicks on Route 66
Ice Cores and the Age of the Earth
$7.09 - $8.29
String of Pearls: A Maurice Bordeau Murder Mystery (From Aloha to Howdy Pardner)
White Death: A Maurice Bordeau Murder Mystery (Riding the Rails)
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Larry's Tales: Tales of Adventures, People, and Places
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Git'n Out'a Dodge: A Maurice Bordeau Murder Mystery
Christmas with Darwin: A Maurice Bordeau Murder Mystery
Green Bayous: A Maurice Bordeau Murder Mystery (Traveling the Tracks)
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The Age of the Earth's Atmosphere
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Hance Creek Hermit: A Maurice Bordeau Murder Mystery
Arch Villains: A Maurice Bordeau Murder Mystery (Westward on the California Zephyr)
Over the Edge
$6.59 - $6.69