- Effective communication skills: Improve Your Business Relationships, With Family And In A Couple. Overcome Insecurity And Social Anxiety, Cure Shyness And Panic Attacks With The Right Therapy.
- Communication skills: 2 Books In 1: How To Improve Your Social Relationships In Life. Overcome Anxiety And Shyness. Effective Public Speaking. Achieve Success With Active Listening And Empathy.
- Effective Public Speaking: How To Present Your Speech And Be Successful. Overcome Anxiety, Engage Those Present, Enchant People. Find Your Style And Improve Your Communication And Social Skills
- Comunicazione AssertivaConosci Te Stesso, Esercitati A Dire Di No: Sfrutta Il Linguaggio Del Corpo Gestendo Le Tue Emozioni.
- Comunicazione AssertivaConosci Te Stesso, Esercitati A Dire Di No: Sfrutta Il Linguaggio Del Corpo Gestendo Le Tue Emozioni.