Theoretical Archaeology
$10.59 - $56.90
Archaeology of Jesus Nazareth
Hagia Sophia in Context: An Archaeological Re-Examination of the Cathedral of Byzantine Constantinople
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The Sisters of Nazareth Convent: A Roman-Period, Byzantine, and Crusader Site in Central Nazareth
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Roman-Period and Byzantine Nazareth and its Hinterland
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The Sisters of Nazareth Convent: A Roman-Period, Byzantine, and Crusader Site in Central Nazareth
Discovery by Design (British Archaeological Reports (BAR) British)
The Landscape of Roman Britain (Sutton Illustrated History Paperbacks)
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Britain and the End of the Roman Empire
Introduction to International Relations
The Waves of Time: Long-Term Change and International Relations
The New World and the New World Order: US Relative Decline, Domestic Instability in the Americas and the End of the Cold War (European and International Studies)
Byzantine Pottery
Civitas to Kingdom: British Political Continuity 300-800 (Studies in the Early History of Britain)
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Constantinople: Archaeology of a Byzantine Megapolis