- Summer Fit Fourth to Fifth Grade: Math, Reading, Writing, Language Arts + Fitness, Nutrition and Values
- Summer Fit Activities, First - Second Grade
- Summer Fit Second to Third Grade: Math, Reading, Writing, Language Arts + Fitness, Nutrition and Values
- Summer Fit First to Second Grade: Prepare First Graders Mentally, Physically and Socially for Second Grade
- Summer Fit Activities, Fourth - Fifth Grade
- Wayne A. Wickelgren
- Ingrid Wickelgren
- Susan Peck MacDonald
- Paul M. Barrett
- Joei Carlton Hossack
- Miguel Kagan
- Laurie Robertson
- Maurice Hindus
- Kelley King
- Diane Dodge
- Brandy Alexander
- Eugenie Allen
- Edward De Bone
- Michael de Saint-Arnaud
- Kimberly Persiani-Becker
- Debra Al-Salam
- Charlie Abourjilie
- Patricai Scott
- Michael De Saint-Arnold
- Maristella Maggi