- Teach Your Horse Perfect Manners: How You Should Behave So Your Horse Does Too
- Build Complete Confidence with Horses: Beat Fear and Excuses to Attain Your Riding Goals
- Become Perfect Partners: How to Be the Owner Your Horse Would Choose for Himself
- Creating a Bond with Your Horse (Intelligent Horsemanship)
- Perfect Manners: How to Behave So Your Horse Will Too
- Charles de Kunffy
- Russell M. Nelson
- James E. Faust
- Preston Nibley
- Joseph B. Wirthlin
- Jane Kidd
- Ann Head
- Sally O'Connor
- F. Enzio Busche
- Kent P. Jackson
- Joe J. Christensen
- W. Jeffrey Marsh
- Carlos E. Asay
- Caroline Fairbairn
- David B. Haight
- Anthony Crossley
- Max Gahwyler
- Ruth Sabine Schaefer
- Margaret A. Odgers
- Theodore A. Landers