- A Faithful Narrative of the Proceedings of the Ecclesiastical Council Convened at Salem in 1734: Occasioned by the Scandalous Divisions in the First Church in That Town, Continuing After Repeated Admo
- The Orphan's Best Legacy, Or, God's Parental Care of Bereaved Children: A Discourse Occasion'd by the Death of the Honourable Samuel Sewall Esq, Who Departed This Life, Jan. 1, 1729, 30, Aetatis 78.
- The character and blessedness of the upright. A sermon occasion'd by the death of the Honourable Wait Winthrop Esq; who expired, Nov. 7. 1717. Aetatis 76. By Joseph Sewall
- Christ victorious over the powers of darkness, by the light of his preached gospel. A sermon preached in Boston, December 12. 1733 at the ordination ... Ebenezer Hinsdell, and Mr. Joseph Seccombe
- Jehovah is the king and saviour of his people. A sermon preach'd at the Boston lecture, August 17. 1727. Upon the awful tidings of the death of His ... George, June 11th. [Four lines from Psalms]