- Y Rhybuddiwr Cristnogawl, yn cynnwys annogaeth ddifrifol i fuchedd sanctaidd ... A'i gyfieithu allan o'r deuddegfed argraphiad yn y Saisonaeg. Trydydd argraphiad yn Gymraeg.
- A treatise of sacramental-covenanting with Christ: shewing the ungodly their contempt of Christ in their contempt of the sacramental-covenant: ... By John Rawlet, ... The eighth edition.
- The Christian monitor, containing an earnest exhortation to an holy life, with some directions in order thereto. Written in a plain and easie style ... of people. The three and twentieth edition.
- The Christian monitor, containing an earnest exhortation to an holy life: with some directions in order thereto. Written in a plain and easie stile, for all sorts of people.
- A persuasive to a serious preparation for death and judgment. Containing several considerations and directions in order thereto: being a supplement to ... edition, with some alterations and additions.