A Place Near Kolob
The Language of Poetry (Intertext Series)
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The Penguin Guide to English Literature (PENG)
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Fire and Fury
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Soul Fire (Trilogy of fire)
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The Routledge History of Literature in English: Britain and Ireland
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Victoria, the adventure continues, bk. 2: Victoria series (Victoria)
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Fire in the Snow
Using Drama in the Classroom (Language Teaching Methodology Series)
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East Asian Buddhism: A Survey
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Reading between the Lines Student's book: Integrated Language and Literature Activities
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A Place Called Eden
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Language, Literature and the Learner: Creative Classroom Practice
The Routledge Guide to Modern English Writing
Wordsplay: Representational Language and Literature Materials for Use at Intermediate Level and Above: Student's Book
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Blood of the lion
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The Routledge History of Literature in English: Britain and Ireland
Stand-Up Marketing
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Literature with a Small "L" (MEP Monographs)
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The Adventures of Naomi and Noah: And the Weaving Winged Wimmies
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The Atlantean Cipher
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In Flanders Fields, and Other Poems
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A Knife in the Heart: Great Stories: High Beginner
The Elvis Mystery: Big Ideas: Intermediate (Wayzgoose Graded Readers: Intermediate)
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