- Select Proverbs, Italian, Spanish, French, English, Scotish, British, &c. Chiefly Moral: The Foreign Languages Done Into English
- A collection of forms of prayer for the daily use of families, or of particular persons. For the Lord's-Day. Relating to the Lord's supper. With a ... prayer. And another of the blessed sacrament.
- A select collection of proverbs, Italian, Spanish, French, English, Scotish, British, &c. morally adapted to the humours of the age. The foreign languages done into English. ...
- A collection of forms of prayer, for the daily use of families, or of particular persons; for the Lord's-Day; relating to the Lord's-supper. With a ... of the sacrament of the Lord's-supper. Ed 4
- Select Proverbs, Italian, Spanish, French, English, Scottish, British, Etc.: Chiefly Moral