Spiders of Western Canada
Evie: An 8 Year Old and a Tale to Tell
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Cell Signalling
A Pilgrim's Foot-Prints
John Hancock Life Insurance Christmas Carols Booklet by John Hancock
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Everything Reminds Me of Something
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Two years homesteading off the grid alone: Frugal Off Grid
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The Great Question for the People!: Essays On the Elective Franchise; Or, Who Has the Right to Vote?
South By Southeast
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Reasons for Withdrawing From Society With the People Called Quakers..
Tarantulas: Keeping & Breeding Arachnids in Captivity
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American Heritage - December 1962 - Volume XIV, Number 1
An expostulatory and pacifick letter, by way of reply to the Revd Mr. Gee's letter of remarks, on the printed testimony of the late convention of ... several errors and disorders in the land
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The instability of humane greatness, illustrated and exemplified in a funeral discourse at Braintree April 23. 1738. Upon the much lamented death of the Honourable Edmund Quincy
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An oration; delivered March 5, 1774, at the request of the inhabitants of the town of Boston: to commemorate the bloody tragedy of the fifth of March 1770. By the Honorable John Hancock
Plan For The Reconciliation Of All Interests In The Emancipation Of West India Slaves
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Arguments To Prove The Being Of God, With Objections Against It Answered; Being Several Sermons Preached
$24.95 - $27.95
Observations on the Climate Soil and Productions
$18.15 - $29.95
A memorial of God's goodness. Being the substance of two sermons, preach'd in the First Church of Christ in Braintree, Sept. 16th. 1739.
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Rulers should be benefactors. As it was consider'd in a sermon preach'd before His Excellency Samuel Shute Esq; His Majesty's Council, and the ... in New-England, May 30th. 1722.
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A discourse upon the good work. Delivered at the monthly Tuesday lecture in Pembrook, September 7th. 1742. And now published at the earnest desire of the hearers. [Six lines of Scripture texts].
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