- A Display of Heraldry. by John Guillim, the Sixth Edition. Improv'd with Large Additions of Many Hundred Coats of Arms, Sir George MacKenzie, &C. with His Tract of Precedency, Containing All His Rules
- A Display of Heraldry
- The Banner Displayed Or An Abridgment Of Guillim: Being A Complete System Of Heraldry, In All Its Parts, With Proper Cuts And Tables
- The Banner Display'd: Or, an Abridgment of Guillim [In His Display of Heraldrie] by S. Kent
- A Display of Heraldry. By John Guillim, The Sixth Edition. Improv'd With Large Additions of Many Hundred Coats of Arms, Sir George Mackenzie, &c. With his Tract of Precedency, Containing all his Rules