- A Brief Discovery of Some of the Arts of the Popish Protestant Missioners in England, to Pave the way for the Restitution and Establishment of Popery. ... the Church of England. By ... Mr. John Lewis,
- The Life of John Fisher, Bp. of Rochester in the Reign of King Henry VIII, With an Appendix of Illus
- A Brief History of the Rise and Progress of Anabaptism in England: to Which is Prefixed, Some Account of the Learned Dr. Wiclif, and a Defence of Him ... and His Followeres, Denying Infant Baptism
- The History Of The Life And Sufferings Of The Reverend And Learned John Wiclif, D. D.... Together With A Collection Of Papers And Records Relating To The Said History
- The Life of Mayster Wyllyam Caxton, of the Weald of Kent: The First Printer in England: In Which Is Given an Account of the Rise and Progress of the Art of Pryntyng in England During His Time, Till 14