- Toxic Teeth: How a Biological (Holistic) Dentist Can Help You Cure Cancer, Facial Pain, Autoimmune, Heart, and Other Disease Caused By Infected Gums, Root Canals, Jawbone Cavitations, and Toxic Metals
- The Wisdom of Bioidentical Hormones in Menopause, Perimenopause, and Premenopause: How to Balance Estrogen, Progesterone, Testosterone, Growth Hormone; Heal Insulin, Adrenals, Thyroid; Lose Belly Fat
- Secrets about Bioidentical Hormones to Lose Fat and Prevent Cancer, Heart Disease, Menopause, and Andropause, by Optimizing Adrenals, Thyroid, Estrogen, Progesterone, Testosterone, and Growth Hormone!
- MEN’S HORMONES MADE EASY!: How to Treat Low Testosterone, Low Growth Hormone, Erectile Dysfunction, Andropause, Insulin Resistance, Adrenal Fatigue, ... Estrogen and DHT!
- SECRETS to LOSE TOXIC BELLY FAT! Heal Your Sick Metabolism Using State-Of-The-Art Medical Testing and Treatment With Detoxification, Diet, Lifestyle, Supplements, and Bioidentical Hormones