- A method for determining the best climate of the earth, on a principle to which all geographers and historians have been hitherto strangers. In a ... to the Governors of the East-India Company
- A memorial presented to His Grace the Duke of Newcastle, ... concerning the present state of Carolina, and the means of improving it: by John Peter Purry, ...
- Mémoire Sur Le Païs Des Cafres, Et De La Terre De Nuyts: Par Raport À L'utilité Que La Compagnie Des Indes Orientales En Pourroit Retirer Pour Son Commerce
- Memorial Presented to His Grace, My Lord the Duke of Newcastle ...: Upon the Present Condition of Carolina, and the Means of Its Amelioration
- A Memorial presented to the Duke of Newcastle concerning the present state of Carolina, and the means of improving it. [Translated from the French.]