A former Hollywood film exec, Jasper Fforde has switched from the silver screen to the page, earning a reputation as a ""grown up J. K. Rowling"" with his literary fantasies The Eyre Affair and Lost in a Good Book.
Red Side Story
Releases 3/11/2025
Dark Reading Matter (A Thursday Next Novel)
Releases 11/4/2025
The Eyre Affair
$4.19 - $14.75
Shades of Grey
$6.79 - $27.99
Lost in a Good Book
$4.29 - $25.39
The Well of Lost Plots
$4.39 - $19.65
The Woman Who Died a Lot
$5.19 - $19.65
First Among Sequels
$4.59 - $19.65
The Big Over Easy
$4.09 - $24.77
One of Our Thursdays is Missing
$4.49 - $19.65
Something Rotten
$4.29 - $19.65
The Last Dragonslayer
$4.79 - $27.19
Early Riser
$5.09 - $14.89
The Constant Rabbit
$5.39 - $15.01
The Fourth Bear
$4.39 - $19.65
The Song of the Quarkbeast
$4.39 - $12.99
The Eye of Zoltar
$6.09 - $11.09
The Great Troll War
$12.57 - $23.09
Relics, Wrecks, & Ruins