- My Uncle Fulton Sheen
- Lewis Latimer: A Brilliant Inventor (Bright Minds): A Brilliant Inventor
- George Washington Carver: More Than "The Peanut Man" (Bright Minds): More Than "The Peanut Man"
- Charles Drew: The Innovator of the Blood Bank (Bright Minds): The Innovator of the Blood Bank
- Kenny Luck
- Carole Mayhall
- Joyce J. Penner
- Fred Littauer
- Tommy Nelson
- Oscar Lukefahr
- Jeremy Roberts
- Matthew Bunson
- Douglas E. Brinley
- Bill McCartney
- Alfred A. McBride
- Margaret Bunson
- Stephen E. Lamb
- Robert M. Hicks
- Tabatha Yeatts
- Catherine M. Odell
- Mary Beth Bonacci
- Rebecca Nappi
- Kristin White
- Catherine Johnston