Vilna (Jewish Communities Series)
$18.19 - $26.79
Theodor Herzl, Founder of Political Zionism
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The German Attack on the Hebrew Schools in Palestine - Scholar's Choice Edition
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The Zionist Movement: its Aims and Achievements
Array Processing: Kronecker Product Beamforming
Array Beamforming with Linear Difference Equations
The Ruhleben Prison Camp: a Record of Nineteen Months' Internment
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Zionist work in Palestine
$22.69 - $32.95
Historical Syllabus from 1700 C. E. to the Present Day: A Course of Thirteen Readings (Classic Reprint)
The Turkish Persecution of the Jews
The rebirth of Israel: A memorial tribute to Paul Goodman (The Rise of Jewish nationalism and the Middle East)
Speech Processing in Modern Communication
Noise Reduction in Speech Processing
Design of Circular Differential Microphone Arrays
Jewish Life In Modern Times
$25.95 - $30.21
A Short History of Zionism
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Fundamentals of Signal Enhancement and Array Signal Processing (Wiley - IEEE)
Canonical Correlation Analysis in Speech Enhancement
Travels in Jewry
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