Zwingli and Bullinger (Library of Christian Classics)
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Selected Works
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On Providence and Other Essays
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Huldrych Zwingli (Documents of modern history)
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Ulrich Zwingli Early Writings
The Christian Education of Youth
Huldreich Zwingli's Werke. Erste Ausgabe. Zweiten Bandes Zweite Abtheilung
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Werke, Volume 3
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Ulrich Zwingli's Stimme an Die Lehrer Des Evangeliums: Und Conrad Gessner's Ermahnung Zur Standhaftigkeit Im Bekenntniss Der Reinen Evangelischen Lehre: Zwey Denkmahle Aus Den Zeiten Der Reformation
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Selected Works. Translated for the First Time From the Originals. The German Works by Lawrence A. McLouth, and the Latin by Henry Preble and George W. Gilmore
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Sämmtliche Schriften Im Auszug, Volume 1...
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Zwingli and Bullinger: Selected Translations With Introductions and Notes by G.W. Bromiley. --
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Die Wahrheit Hat Ein Frohlich Angesicht: Zwingli in Zitaten
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Selected Works of Huldreich Zwingli (1484-1531), the Reformer of German Switzerland; Volume 1
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Selected Works of Huldreich Zwingli (1484-1531), the Reformer of German Switzerland
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Translations and Reprints From the Original Sources of [European] History
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Sämtliche Werke
Von Freiheit Der Speisen...
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Huldreich Zwingli, Samtliche Werke
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Werke, Volume 8...
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Huldrici Zuinglii Opera. Completa Ed. Prima Curantibus M. Schulero Et I. Schultessio...
Johann Eberlin von Guenzburg, saemtliche Schriften, Bd. 2
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The Latin Works And The Correspondence Of Huldreich Zwingli: Together With Selections From His German Works; Volume 2
The Defense of the Reformed Faith
In Search of True Religion: Reformation, Pastoral, and Eucharistic Writings
Das Neue Testament
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Commentary on True and False Religion
Huldrych Zwingli Writings, Vol One: The Defense of the Reformed Faith (Pittsburgh Theological Monographs)
Selected Works of Huldreich Zwingli (1484-1531), the Reformer of German Switzerland
Huldrych Zwingli Writings: In Search of True Religion: Reformation, Pastoral and Eucharistic Writings, Vol. Two (Pittsburgh Theological Monographs, 12-13)