- Brief Annals of Zion Church, Montreal, From 1832 to 10th May, 1871 [microform]: With Lists of Office-bearers and Members and Reports for 1870
- Purity of Communion, Its Importance, and the Best Means of Promoting It [microform]: an Essay, Written at the Request of the Congregational Union of Canada and Read to the Assembly, June 17th, 1854
- Christianity the Restorer, or, Man's Dominion Over the Earth, Disturbed by Sin, Restored by Christ [microform]: a Sermon Preached in Zion Church, Montreal, April 17, 1859
- Knowing the Time [microform]: a Discourse on the Improvement of Time, Delivered in Zion Church, on the First Sabbath, (January 2) of 1853
- Death in the City [microform]: Address at the Funeral of the Late John Easton Mills, Esq., Mayor of the City of Montreal, Delivered in the American P