Magical Realist Fiction: An Anthology
Misérable miracle
$12.89 - $13.87
A Certain Plume
$10.59 - $12.68
Selected Writings of Henri Michaux
$13.59 - $16.35
Life in the Folds
$13.15 - $14.99
Un barbare en Asie
$7.09 - $13.81
Thousand Times Broken: Three Books
Darkness Moves: An Henri Michaux Anthology, 1927-1984
$19.19 - $39.95
Ideogrammes en Chine
Ecuador: A Travel Journal (Marlboro Travel)
$8.39 - $15.08
Les grandes épreuves de l'esprit et les innombrables petites
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Poteaux d'angle
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Meidosems: Poems and Lithographs
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Ailleurs : Voyage en Grande Garabagne - Au pays de la Magie - Ici, Poddema
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La nuit remue
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By Surprise
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Signs in Action-- Pound/Michaux and Of Languages (Short Works Series)
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Henri Michaux & Zao Wou-ki
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Someone Wants to Steal My Name (Imagination Series)
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Au Pays De La Magie
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Spaced, Displaced: Deplacements Degagements (Bloodaxe Contemporary French Poets, Vol 3)
$13.79 - $15.72
L'Espace du dedans
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Miserable Miracle (Mescaline) With Eights Drawings by the Author,
Plume / Lointain intérieur (Blanche)
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Henri Michaux: Peindre, Composer, écrire
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Henri Michaux, 1899-1984: Whitechapel Art Gallery, 19 February- 25 April 1999
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Connaissance par les gouffres
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Michaux : Oeuvres complètes, tome 1 (Bibliothèque de la Pléiade)
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En Révant a partir de peintures énigmatiques