- Mixed Company: Women in the Army (Beacon Paperback, 403: Poetry)
- The Cool Parents' Guide to All of New York: Excursions and Activities in and Around Our City That Your Children Will Love and You Won't Think Are Too Bad Either (City and Company)
- Brooklyn's Best: Sightseeing, Shopping, Eating, and Happy Wandering in the Borough of Kings
- New York's 50 Best Museums for Cool Parents and Their Kids
- The Cool Parent's Guide to All of New York, 4th Edition: Excursion and Activities in and around our city that your children will love and you won't think ... (Cool Parents Guide to All of New York)
- Chris Cheadle
- Henry Reuss
- Doug McIvor
- Angelika Illies
- Travelbug
- Harvard Student Agencies Staff
- Everyman Guides
- F. Lisa Beebe
- Randall Bourscheidt
- Frederick L. Stagg
- Oreste Carnevali
- Angelika Llies
- Paul Rankin
- Neil Mathieson
- Fatidjah Anderson
- Rhian Williams
- Edward R. Smith
- Robert Regalbuto
- Jeanne Rankin
- Jo Hermann