Myanmar (Burma) in Quest for a Model of Development: 1950–2015
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Indonesia: A New Asian “Tiger”: 1955–2017
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A Political Economy of the United States: 1950–2019
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Democratic Republic of the Congo: Outcomes of the Post-Colonial Era: 1960–2019
Economic Theory, Technical Progress and the Case of Germany
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Chiny: od monarchii Qing do socjalizmu rynkowego: Od połowy XVII wieku do czasów współczesnych
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Cina: dalla monarchia Qing al socialismo di mercato: Dalla metà del XVII secolo ad oggi
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China: da Monarquia Qing ao Socialismo de Mercado: Desde meados do século XVII até aos dias de hoje
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China: von der Qing-Monarchie zum Marktsozialismus: Von der Mitte des 17. Jahrhunderts bis heute
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China: from Qing Monarchy to Market Socialism: From the middle of the 17th century to the present day
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Chine : de la monarchie Qing au socialisme de marché: Du milieu du XVIIe siècle à nos jours
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Development Experiences of China from the Qing Empire to Our Days: 1644–2019
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Modernisation in China, Taiwan and India
Mediterranean Capitalism by the Examples of Greece and Spain
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Growth Mechanism of the German Economy: Theory and Practice
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Mécanisme de croissance de l'économie allemande: Théorie et pratique (French Edition)
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Mechanizm wzrostu niemieckiej gospodarki: Teoria i praktyka (Polish Edition)
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Mecanismo de crescimento da economia alemã: Teoria e prática (Portuguese Edition)
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Il meccanismo di crescita dell'economia tedesca: Teoria e pratica (Italian Edition)
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