A Very French Christmas
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Autour d'une source
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Entre Nous (2e A(c)Dition)
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Le Cahier Bleu de Melle Cibot (23e A(c)Dition)
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Entre Nous ......
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Monsieur, Madame, and Bebe - Volume 02
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Les �tangs...
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Betsy's Profile: A Comedietta[, in One Act]. Translated and Adapted from the French
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Paris à cheval
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Paris à cheval
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Pikantnye ocherki i razskazy
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Monsieur, Madame, and Bebe - Volume 03
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Un Paquet De Lettres (1880)
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Monsieur, Madame, and b�b�. With a Pref. by Camille Doucet and Illus. by Millicent Woodforde
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Une femme gênante
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Le Cahier Bleu De Mademoiselle Cibot (1876)
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Diplomacy: A Comedietta, in One Act
L'Enfant (1885)
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Monsieur, Madame and Bebe, Volume 1
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