Design and Marketing Of New Products (2nd Edition)
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Essentials of New Product Management
Advanced Marketing Strategy: Phenomena, Analysis, and Decisions
SPRINTER mod I: a basic new product analysis model
Evolutionary modeling in the analysis of new products
Product planning decision
Introduction to Management Science and Marketing
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Product interdependency in new product decisions
Personal selling decisions
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Marketing entry strategy formulation: a hierarchical modeling and consumer measurement approach
A model for product line decisions
An on-line technique for estimating and analyzing complex models
A strategic planning model for the management of a family planning system
Market Share Rewards to Pioneering Brands: An Empirical Analysis and Strategic Implications
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A Model for the Management of a Family Planning System
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Using a Model as a Practical Management Tool for Family Planning Programs
Pre-Test-Market Models: Validation and Managerial Implications
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SPRINTER: A Model for the Analysis of new Frequently Purchased Consumer Products
Price and Non-Price Determination in the Multiproduct Firm
Pricing Decisions
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Ideas on a Decision-Information System for Family Planning
Market Response Models for the Analysis of New Products
A Quantitative Approach to new Product Decision Making
New Product Decisions: Information Discounting and Product Selection
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An Emerging Process of Building Models for Management Decision Makers