- The Poetical Register, or, The Lives and Characters of All the English Poets, With an Account of Their Writings: Adorned With Curious Sculptures Engraven by the Best Masters ..; 1
- The Poetical Register: Or, The Lives and Characters of All the English Poets. With an Account of Their Writings; Volume 2
- The Law-dictionary: Explaining the Rise, Progress, and Present State of the English Law; Defining and Interpreting the Terms or Words of Art; and ... the Subjects of Law, Trade, and Government; 5
- A New Law-dictionary: Containing, the Interpretation and Definition of Words and Terms Used in the Law: and Also the Whole Law, and the Practice Thereof, Under All the Heads and Titles of the Same
- The Poetical Register: Or, The Lives and Characters of All the English Poets. With an Account of Their Writings; Volume 1