- The ambitious designs of wicked men, under the restraint of divine providence, and made subservient to wise and good ends. A sermon preach'd at ... Nov. 29th. 1759. ... By Gilbert Kennedy, M.A.
- The character and conduct of St. Paul as a teacher of Christianity, recommended as a pattern to all who devote themselves to the Christian ministry. A sermon preached at Lurgan, June 26th, 1764
- The great blessing of peace and truth in our days. A sermon preach'd at Belfast, on Tuesday, April 25th, 1749. ... By Gilbert Kennedy, M.A.
- The Wicked Ruler: Or, the Mischiefs of Absolute Arbitrary Power. a Sermon Preach'd at Belfast, December the 18th, 1745. Being the Day of the General Fast, ... by Gilbert Kennedy. M.A.
- A defence of the principles and conduct of the Reverend General Synod of Ulster. Being an answer to a pamphlet published by the Reverend Mr. Samuel ... by the Reverend Mr. Gilbert Kennedy.