Water is EMOTION: Healing anxiety, depression, CPTSD, OCD, panic attacks and more
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Mysteries of The AKASHIC RECORDS
The Witch's Remedies: Botanical Medicine
EMOTION vs THOUGHT: Understanding and Healing Emotional Traumas
WITCHES ARE REAL: Dark History of Witchcraft
The Ardent Liaisons
Alice's RING: One of the most haunted places in South Carolina
The GHOST of IVY Hall: When The Ghosts From The Past Begin to Play The Melody of Shadows
I WISH I Had a Normal Mother: Venting About my Mother to Anyone, who can Relate. Stand-up Satire
The BATTLE of Great Minds: Philosophy on Life and Death
IMMORTALIS POETICA: Collection of Gothic Poetry
Till DEATH do us Part: Beautiful Gothic Poetry for Beautiful Lovers
The BOOK of VISIONS 2: Collection of Original Horror Stories and Dark Documentaries
SALIENT TRAGEDIES OF MR. AKE: Mr. Ake's Monotone Marriage Satire
The Book of VISIONS: Collection of original horror stories
What The FUCK was I Thinking: Stand-up Satire
Salem's Mysteries: True Legend or Grand Misconception
The Dungeon: The Tale of The Blood Countess
Undiagnosed and FED UP