- The Jesuit. An allegorical poem. With airs and choruses, as rehearsed after the example of ancient bards and minstrels, by the author, Mr. Marriott.
- A discourse on the extent of social liberty. Delivered at St. Anthony's, in Watling Street, on Sunday, the fifth of November, 1769. by George Marriott, ...
- An estimate of human life. In a series of discourses. By Geo. Marriott, ... Volume the first. Volume 1 of 1
- Solomon's preference of death to life, explained and vindicated. A sermon, preached in the English Chapel at Gothenburg. By George Marriott, ...
- Human life, a state of pilgrimage. A farewell-sermon, preached at St. John's, Hackney, on Sunday, March 14th, 1773. By Geo. Marriott, ...