The Man of Mode, or, Sir Fopling Flutter: A Comedy Acted at the Duke's Theater
$4.79 - $35.95
Four Restoration Libertine Plays (Oxford World's Classics)
Letters Geo Etherege
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She would if she could (Regents Restoration drama series)
$5.09 - $20.45
The works of Sir George Etherege. Containing his plays and poems.
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She Wou'd if she Cou'd, a comedy [in five acts and in prose].
$15.59 - $16.23
The Works of Sir George Etheredge: Plays and Poems
$25.95 - $40.41
The comical revenge; or, love in a tub. Acted at his Highness the Duke of York's theatre in Lincolns-Inn-Fields.
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She Would, If She Could : A Comedy (1735)
The Dramatic Works of Sir George Etherege, Ed. with Introduction and Notes by H. F. B. Brett-Smith
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Love in a Tub...
The British Stage: In Six Volumes. Being A Collection Of The Best Modern English Acting Plays: Selected From The Works Of Addisson, Dryden, Rowe, Farquhar, Banks, Thomson, Shakespeare, Howard, Smith,
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The Comical Revenge; or Love in a Tub, etc.
$15.59 - $18.75
The dramatic works of Sir George Etherege: ...
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She Wou'd, If She Cou'd: A Comedy. Written by the Late Sir George Etherege
$18.15 - $29.95
The Man of Mode, or Sr Fopling Flutter; A Comedy [In Five Acts, and in Prose].