- Explanation and Understanding
- Varieties of Goodness (Internat. Lib. of Philos.)
- Causality and Determinism (Woodbridge Lecture)
- Handlung, Norm Und Intention: Untersuchungen Zur Deontischen Logik
- Actions, Norms, Values: Discussions With Georg Henrik Von Wright (Perspectives in Analytical Philosophy, Bd. 21.)
- G.E.M. Anscombe
- Emmanuel Levinas
- Peter T. Geach
- Mary Elizabeth O'Brien
- Gottlob Frege
- Rudolf Carnap
- Max Horkheimer
- Stacy T. Rinehart
- Georges Canguilhem
- Richard J. Bernstein
- Willem A. Devries
- Evelyn Ogden Ogden
- Wilfrid Sellars
- Max Black
- Ruth Garrett Millikan
- John Swartzwelder
- David Macey
- Bart Plantenga
- Vincent Kiernan
- Alex Steffen