- Readings upon the statute law. Alphabetically digested. Wherein the most obscure and difficult points are clear'd up and illustrated by resolutions ... the best authorities extant Volume 1 of 5
- A letter to a Member of Parliament concerning the repeal of the Corporation and Test Acts. By a gentleman of the Middle Temple.
- Readings upon the statute law. Alphabetically digested. Wherein the most obscure and difficult points are clear'd up and illustrated by resolutions ... authorities extant. Vol. IV. Volume 4 of 5
- The Grounds and Rudiments of law and Equity, Alphabetically Digested: Containing a Collection of Rules or Maxims, ... With Three Tables. ... By a Gentleman of the Middle Temple
- The Publican Protected; Containing all the Laws Relating to Publicans, inn, and Livery Stable-keepers; ... By a Gentleman of the Middle Temple