- Gallery of British Artists: From the Days of Hogarth to the Present Time, Or, Series of 288 Engravings of Their Most Approved Productions, Executed on Steel in the First Style of Outline, Selected, Ar
- Ecole Anglaise: Recueil de Tableaux, Statues Et Bas-Reliefs Des Plus Celebres Artistes Anglais, Depuis Le Temps D'Hogarth Jusqu'a Nos Jours...
- Gallery of British Artists: From the Days of Hogarth to the Present Time, Or, Series of 288 Engravings of Their Most Approved Productions, Executed on Steel in the First Style of Outline, Selected, Ar
- Galerie Des Artistes Anglais, Depuis Hogarth Jusqu'a Nos Jours, Ou, Suite De 288 Gravures De Leurs Productions Les Plus Estimées, Soigneusement Gravées Au Trait Sur Acier
- BREAST IMPLANTS and the D.I.R.T. COMMITTEE: Document Investigation and Review Team