- An answer to some late papers, entitled, the Independent Whig; so far as they relate to the Church of England, as by law established. In which, her doctrines, creeds, liturgy, and establishment
- Universal benevolence: or, charity in its full extent. Recommended in a sermon. Together with a preface, wherein is a farther justification of the principles of the Whiggs. ... By Francis Squire, ...
- A brief exhortation to protestant liberty from a fair view of popish slavery: in a sermon occasion'd by the late loyal declaration of the arch-bishop and bishops. By Francis Squire, ...
- An Answer to Some Late Papers, Entitled, The Independent Whig; so far as They Relate to the Church of England, as by law Established. ... By Francis Squire,
- A Faithful Report of a Genuine Debate Concerning the Liberty of the Press. Addressed to a Candidate at the Ensuing Election. Wherein a Sure and Safe M