Murder under the Mistletoe: And Other Stories (Signet)
$5.19 - $7.19
Cornell Woolrich: First You Dream, Then You Die
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Ellery Queen: The Art of Detection: The story of how two fractious cousins reshaped the modern detective novel.
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The 120 Hour Clock
$12.49 - $14.69
The Sound of Detection: Ellery Queen's Adventures in Radio
Royal Bloodline; Ellery Queen, Author and Detective
$11.19 - $11.59
Publish and Perish
Into the Same River Twice
Cornucopia of Crime
$15.89 - $24.00
The Cisco Kid: American Hero, Hispanic Roots
$8.09 - $12.29
Hopalong Cassidy: On the Page, on the Screen
Lone Pine in the Movies: A Vision of the American West
The Anthony Boucher Chronicles: Reviews and Commentary 1942-47
The films of the Cisco Kid
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Paul Landres
Lone Pine and the Movies: How Westerns Shaped the American Experience
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Films of Hopalong Cassidy
$13.09 - $14.99
Beneficiaries' Requiem (Five Star First Edition Mystery Series)
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The 90 Million Dollar Mouse Milo
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Night of Silken Snow and Other Stories (Five Star Mystery Series)
Out of Stock
Mr. President, Private Eye
Out of Stock
Leap Day and Other Stories
Commonwealth Avenue
$6.59 - $21.07
Publish and Perish/Corrupt and Ensnare
$16.69 - $20.00
Joseph H. Lewis
Corrupt and ensnare