The Uffizi and Pitti
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Art Treasures of the Uffizi and Pitti
A colorslide tour of the Uffizi Gallery, Florence: 32 masterpieces of painting visited with Filippo Rossi, administrator
Controlled Drug Delivery Systems: Towards New Frontiers in Patient Care
Faith Shared: The Art of Filippo Rossi
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Italian jeweled arts (An Abrams art book)
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Dante Alighieri
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The Uffizi and Pitti, Florence
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Super. Ottant'anni del primo supereroe: da Nembo Kid a Superman. Il dio, l'uomo e la meraviglia... Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman. La saga dei supereroi DC
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Art treasures of the Uffizi and Pitti;
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A colorslide tour of the Pitti Palace, Florence: 32 masterpieces of painting
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Art treasures of the Uffizi and Pitti
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The Museum of the Bargello at Florence
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The Lost Cabbage
Francesco Petrarca
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