Entomology Super Review (Super Reviews)
Research memorandum on rural life in the depression
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The Strawberry Root Louse: (Aphis Forbesi Weed).
School Entomology; An Elementary Textbook of Entomology for Secondary Schools and Agricultural Short Courses
$33.95 - $49.55
Miscellaneous Cotton Insects In Texas...
Sweet Potato Insects
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Some Destructive Caterpillars
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Rural Sociology and Rural Social Organization
The Relation Of Temperature To Insect Life...
The Brown-tail Moth In New Hampshire: Second Report...
Insects Mistaken For The Mexican Cotton Boll Weevil...
Insect Pests of Farm, Garden and Orchard
$32.95 - $50.40
A statistical study of the decrease in the Texas cotton crop due to the Mexican cotton boll weevil and the cotton acreage of Texas 1899-1904 inclusive - Primary Source Edition
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The Brown-Tail Moth, Volumes 128-141
The Codling Moth And How To Control It By Spraying, Volumes 142-156
$15.26 - $20.87
Elementary entomology
A Bibliography of Ezra Dwight Sanderson, to September 25, 1943
$31.95 - $35.95