Mapping the Emergent Hybridities of Urbanism: New Spatial Praxis Types
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Intersezioni operative
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Operative Kreuzungen
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Interstitiality in Contemporary Art and Architecture: An Inter-passage from Delineating to Unfolding the Boundaries of Space
Tracing the Shadows of the Real through Interstitial Drawing in Art
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Lo spazio come fase (Italian Edition)
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O espaço como fase (Portuguese Edition)
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Raum als Phase (German Edition)
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L'espace comme phase (French Edition)
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Disegnare attraverso lo spazio: Passaggi, Intermedi, Confini Sospesi (Italian Edition)
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Dessiner dans l'espace: Passages, intermédiaires, frontières suspendues (French Edition)
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Desenhar no espaço: Passagens, Intermediários, Limites Suspensos (Portuguese Edition)
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Zeichnen durch den Raum: Passagen, Zwischenräume, schwebende Grenzen (German Edition)
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