- Codependency: The revenge of the codependent. It's possible. No more mistakes. What happens when you recover your life by healing from any narcissistic abuse. Stop to toxic people and sociopaths.
- Emotional Abuse: This Book Includes: Narcissists, Codependency, Narcissistic Mothers. The Recovery After A Toxic Abusive Relationship. Healing From The Manipulation Of The Covert Narcissism.
- Narcissistic Mothers: The Characteristics of the Narcissistic Parent: Jealousy, Manipulation, Gaslighting. Consequences on Daughters. Recovery from abuse of a toxic relationship with a mother.
- Narcissists: Healing from aggressive narcissism. The three different phases of the passive narcissistic relationship and why the third phase is the sign of your victory. Stop the covert narcissist.
- Madri Narcisiste: Le caratteristiche del genitore narcisista: Gelosia, manipolazione, gaslighting. Conseguenze sulle figlie. Recupero dall'abuso di una relazione tossica con una madre