- Howe's Complete Ball-Room Hand Book: Containing Upwards of Three Hundred Dances, Including All the Latest and Most Fashionable Dances, Waltz, Polka, Mazurka, Schottische, Gallopade, Common, and Polka
- American Dancing Master, And Ball-room Prompter: Containing About Five Hundred Dances
- Howe's Seraphine and Melodeon Instructor
- Howe's School for the Flageolot; Containing new and Complete Instructions for the Flageolet, With a Large Collection of Favorite Marches, Quick-steps, Waltzes, Hornpipes, Contra Dances, Songs, and six
- The Ethiopian Glee Book: Containing The Songs Sung By The Christy Minstrels: With Many Other Popular Negro Melodies, In Four Parts