- David: The Ministry Years, Part 1 ("You Can Run But You Cannot Hide") - A Study of Hidden Agendas & Murderous Intentions
- David: The Ministry Years, Part 2 - Follow ME and You Can Have Your Own Ministry - A Study of Rejection, Betrayal and Sedition. (ChurchBusters: The ... and The Spirits That Will Destroy the Men)
- Moses: The Nursing Father ("Let My People Grow!") - A Study of Smothering Love and the Coming of Age (ChurchBusters: The Men Who Will Destroy Your Ministry and The Spirits That Will Destroy the Men)
- Jacob the Deceiver (He Can Talk the Talk But Can He Walk the Walk?) - A Study of a ChurchBusters turned in to a ChurchBuilder (ChurchBusters: The Men ... and The Spirits That Will Destroy the Men)
- Nehemiah: God's Provisions ("Don't Go to Ono!") - A Study of Vision, Discouragement, Rebuilding and Courage (ChurchBusters: The Men Who Will Destroy ... and The Spirits That Will Destroy the Men)